SeiRogai, Inc. has registered as a member of the Tokyo Data Platform (TDPF), a public-private data collaboration platform promoted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
The Tokyo Data Platform (TDPF) is a platform aimed at creating new value and solving societal issues by safely and efficiently linking and utilizing data held by government agencies and private companies. It is participated in by many private companies, academic research institutions, and governmental organizations.
By utilizing TDPF, SeiRogai, Inc. will contribute to solving societal issues and revitalizing the local economy.

What is the Tokyo Data Platform?

The Tokyo Data Platform (TDPF), under the leadership of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (= providing the value of safety and security),
【flows】provides a place for the circulation of data from both public and private sectors,
【connects】facilitates the formation of a community where both data providers and users can connect, and supports and accelerates the creation of new data utilization cases through the accumulation of more data and people,
【evolves】refers to a mechanism that draws out Tokyo’s potential and creates a virtuous cycle of data utilization that contributes to the improvement of the QOL (Quality of Life) of Tokyo residents, leading to the realization of a Smart Tokyo.
TDPF has two visions:
① to encourage the circulation of data between the public and private sectors, thereby fostering innovation and solving social issues, and ② to realize a society—a Smart Tokyo—where everyone can live and work comfortably.

SeiRogai, Inc.’s registration with TDPF is an important step towards exploring new business opportunities through the use of data and contributing to the solution of social issues.
By leveraging the environment and resources provided by TDPF, we will create more efficient and innovative solutions, contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.
We will continue to actively engage in creating new value.
About SeiRogai, Inc.

SeiRogai is a Tokyo-based startup specialized in media production, advertising, branding, media technology, and business consultancy. Renowned for its diverse one-stop media production services, the company also offers strategic consulting services to businesses of all sizes. The team at SeiRogai, comprising seasoned experts from various industries, provides clients with a comprehensive perspective on their unique needs. The firm continues to lead in media tech solutions with innovative ventures like SeiRogaiTV and Global Virtual Travel to redefine the landscape of immersive experiences.
Company Profile
Company Name: SeiRogai, Inc.
Head office: Roppongi Denki Building 5F, 6-1-20 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 106-0032
Representative Directors: Samuel Yuen, Rachel Leng
Establishment: 2019
Business Activities:
- Media production services (including VR 360° technology)
- Marketing, advertising, PR, branding (including marketing planning/strategy formulation, brand development, image planning, product design, etc.)
- Online distribution services for TV programs and movies
- Overseas expansion support services (specialized services including market research, overseas expansion strategy/overseas market development support, startup support, etc.)
- Development, construction, and provision of VR distribution systems and DX digital platforms